Saturday, September 24, 2011

What would you do if you won the lotto?

This was a question posed to me earlier this week by one of my 8th grade students. At the time, I told them a couple obvoius things I would do but said I'd have to get back to them on that later. I suppose part of that reason is that if I won the lotto, I probably wouldn't teach full time. I think, however, that I am meant to teach, so I would probably find a way to teach in some capacity--part time, most likely, though.

So what would I want to do if I won the lotto? If money were no object? Here are some of the things I've thought of so far.

1. The first thing I would do is pay off my ridiculously unaffordable condo so that I could either keep it as a rental property or sell it in the future.

2. Next, I would probably buy real estate. With the market as low as it is now, it makes sense as the best investment of our time. I probably wouldn't buy my dream home yet, though, since Ben is still in school and we don't know where we want to end up yet. (and yes, I think Ben would still want to go to school).

3. The next thing I would do is pay off my parent's and Ben's parent's houses and purchase a home for both Ben's sister, free and clear so they don't have to worry about them. For my sister, give her the money to purchase a home later when she knew where she'd want to live.

4. The next thing I'd do is join Ben in his adventure back in school. I'd finish teaching the school year full time but then request to go part-time the following year (or possibly take a leave of absence while I'm in school). What would I go back to school for? Well, I never finished my MA in English so I might do that. Or, I might get an MFA in Creative Writing or a PhD in Education since I already have my MA in that. Which one would I do for pure enjoyment? The MFA in Creative Writing, most def. And I suppose if I were rolling in dough, why wouldn't I pick the one that was for pure enjoyment?

5. I would begin to seriously learn how to cook--with whatever ingredients I wanted! Now, when I cook, I'm so conscious of the $$ I'm spending that it really limits the fun things I can do. If I had an unlimited grocery budget, I'd pick the meals that looked the most delicious and splurge on whatever ingredients they needed! I know that sounds like something I should be able to do now, but sadly it isn't. When you're a kid, you take for granted how hard one has to work even to put food on the table.

6. I would have kids sooner. Not a lot sooner, maybe one or two years sooner than what we're planning. People I know, keep saying, oh you'll probably have kids in 2 years. Right now, we're thinking more like 3 or 4, especially since our life is so uncertain with Ben in school, changing careers, and not knowing when we'll be able to get rid of our condo. I do look forward to more stability in our future.

Us with our 2 nephews, Logan & Landon (our ring bearers), and my cousin's girls, Cadie & Claire (our flower girls)

7. I would hire a housekeeper. Yes, it's true, I hate cleaning. I mean, a little light housework now and then, but who likes scrubbing the shower? I NEVER get it to sparkle the way I want it too.

8. A whole new wardrobe. Yes, it's sad, but most of the clothes I wear on a daily basis are 3+ years old. I have bought myself about two things this whole year. Part of that, however, is due to the wedding. If you count my wedding dress then my clothing budget this year was wayyy higher than usual years!

9. Regular self-care stuff. What do I mean by that? Facials, manicures, pedicures, massages. I know, it's self-indulgent but I love that stuff and right now I can't afford any of it.

10. Books. Yes, this one should probably go above #8, 9...haha! In my dream home, I'd have a huge, beautiful library of books. I'd buy a few first editions of my favs.

11. Travel. This one should also go up higher on the list. I have already been very fortunate in my life to have gotten to travel a lot more than the average person. But there is still so much of the world left to discover. Ben and I always have the most fun when we travel together, so I would make travel a regular part of our lives.

Me in Switzerland (2005)

12. Travel for charity. I've always wanted to travel somewhere to do charity. Africa? India? South America? Asia?

13. Design. Right now, we have no style at our house. Everything is a total mishmash of junk. It'd be fun to have enough $$ to buy new furniture and come up with a style we'd both like (which, by the way, would probably be our biggest fight yet!).

14. Publish a novel. Well, I suppose this one isn't guaranteed no matter how much $$ you have, but at least I'd have the time and resources to put toward it. And if I got that MFA in Creative Writing, then may be I'd have more of a shot.

15. Buy a vacation home in Cambria. Yes, that's my home away from home. I'm not sure Ben "gets" it. I mean, he likes the place alright, but I think he likes other places a lot more. I guess I associate it with my childhood, but I also think it's one of the most beautiful little coastal towns in the world, and I've been to quite a few gorgeous beaches (the Riveria in France, the Mediteranean in Italy, coasts of Ireland, Hawaii, Bahamas, Mexico, etc). I think I like it because it's rocky and cool and near the forest. As much as I like tropical beaches, there's something homey about a rocky cliffed, foresty beach.

16. Christmas. I would go ALL OUT at Christmas. I'm not talking presents. I'm just talking decor and activities. I'd love to have a fun Christmas party with yummy food and beautiful decorations. Our place is too small for that right now, though. I could only comfortably fit maybe two other couples in our living room and our dining room table seats 4.

I imagine many fun Christmas' ahead at my parent's cabin--what a winter wonderland!

17. A tortoise haven. I have 5 baby tortoises who are getting bigger and they need room to roam! I'd have a landscaper make them a tortoise heaven on Earth!

My youngest tortoise, Freddie.

18. Dogs and Horses. My husband would love a dog and horses and horse property and the like. I'd like it too, but I know horses are a TON of work. I suppose with that much $$ though we could hire help? LOL...look at me sounding like a snob.

19. Volunteering. I'd love to volunteer with Pro-Life groups like the one I used to volunteer with (the PCC). I just don't have time right now to do much for them except help with their annual auction.

20. Try more things. Yes, right now, I'm a little bored because we can't afford to go out and just do "stuff" like we used to whether it be going horseback riding, trying a new restaurant, seeing a concert, etc. It would be so nice not to have to worry about $$ when it comes to your social life.

Riding horses with Ben (March 2010).

So those are my top 20 things. What would be some of yours?

1 comment:

  1. We have very similar lists. Nothing crazy, just having more resources to do things with our families and to help others. Thanks for the house! I had the same plans for you! LOL
