I'm not exactly sure who reads my blog on a regular basis and I realize I haven't posted much lately. This is partially because I am back to work, grading tons of papers, and attending to the chores of daily life. But I do enjoy blogging and even though there is no paper and pen which I've always sworn I prefer, it is fun to see pictures and easily click to my favorite blogs.
I personally, only read one blog religiously and that is dandelionpaperweight. This blog is written by Amy, who was a fellow English major at CSUN and now fellow English teacher. Even though we only really talk digitally, her blog makes me feel like I am her friend because I sense that I know her through the words she writes and the pictures she posts. I love hearing about her journey to motherhood, especially since she battled with infertility for nearly 2 years before getting pregnant. Her blog has showed me that just sharing one's daily thoughts, interests, and dreams can be VERY interesting.
If you're interested in checking out her blog visit:
So who are my readers? I know she reads my blog too since she posts comments regularly on my posts. I also know my Aunt Alicia reads. She too has a blog and although she rarely posts I love reading the entries about family and memory. I assume my dad and sister read this occassionally but to be honest I'm not sure. My mom doesn't really use the internet so I doubt she reads this.
My mother-in-law, Laurie, and sister-in-law, Melissa, and brother-in-law, Scott, read it which is cool to me since we live so far away. I feel like this allows me to share with them some of my thoughts, dreams, and most importantly just a little about myself and what Ben and I are up to on a weekly basis. We only get to see them a couple times a year so it's nice to know what everyone is up to on a more regular basis.
This weekend, for instance, we are finally getting some free time to have some fun. Last night we went for Indian food and then saw the movie, Moneyball. It was a pretty good movie and an interesting story, especially since it was true. I'd recommend it. Even though movies are way overpriced, there is something nice about going out and having a date night that sometimes you don't experience while sitting on the couch. May be it's just the fact that I get ready, dress nicely, and put on makeup? May be it's the anticipation that comes all day at work on a Friday knowing that you'll get to have some time for just you and your husband. Whatever it is, it's just nice to go out on a date now and then. Tonight we will be going on a double date with my friend Shannon and her boyfriend, Nick. We're going miniature golfing! :)
Okay, so back to the topic. My readers. I also see that Roxy, a friend, Jessie, Ben's cousin, and Travis, an old friend have subscribed. I'm not sure if they read often but I hope they also enjoy the posts. I know I never say anything too profound or even write about anything that exciting but sometimes it's more fun to relate to normal, every day life, because that's what most of us experience on a daily basis.
Oh and I forgot my biggest fan. Ben. Little did I know until about a month ago that he reads all my posts. It was pretty fun when he was out of town to get a comment on one of my posts I had written about him. Here's a fun pic of my husband when he was a kid!
I love hearing about what's going on in your life. It does make it seem like you're not quite so far away.