Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dinner at the Medley's

While I am far from a good cook, I have been trying to learn! About once a week I try to cook something...I mean really cook (not heat, boil, microwave, I suppose I'm inspired by other bloggers (dandelionpaperweight for one) who seem to always find time to make delicious (and healthy!) meals.

I am a good baker...I'll say that with some confidence, but cooking still takes effort for me, mostly because I find it difficult to shop for reasonable prices. Sometimes I'll look up a recipe and realize that all the ingredients would cost a fortune so I don't even bother. I remember one time I go the ingredients for what I thought was a fairly simple meal and it cost me around $40! I figure for that price I might as well go out to a nice restaurant and let someone else do the work.

For Ben's birthday this year I cooked something I never had before--a shepherd's pie! It was very reasonably priced to make (about $10 for both of us but that's partially because I already had some of the ingredients).

Tonight dinner consists of stuffed pork chops (apple stuffing), artichokes, and chicken/mushroom rice (that did come from a rice-a-roni For desert we have peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. Mmmm...don't you wish you were @ our house tonight ;) LOL. I say this partly because Ben and I went to Roy's last night (we had a giftcard for $50). We had a mediocre dinner and still had to kick in $30! Ridiculous! I'm done with overpriced restaurants when I can make a good meal for $10-15 for TWO people! Okay, maybe every once in a while I'll go to some of my favorite restaurants (Maggiano's, Los Toros, Versailles) for a treat, but otherwise, I plan on learning more about this whole domestic thing. Enjoy this pix of our dinner!


  1. Yummy! Thanks for the shout out!

    Flemings has an amazing happy hour 7 nights a week. Get the beef carpaccio, calamari, and a white cosmo. Soooo good!!

    Oh wait, now I'm remembering you went there for your bach party? Well, anyway, we love to make that our fancy dinner date night on the cheap.

  2. You'll get the hang of it, it just takes some research and trial and error. I can feed 5 hungry people for about $150/week and that includes a lot of produce. Look up Giada DeLaurentis' Creamy of my favorites and it makes a lot!

  3. Yes...just be patient and keep at it. There are tons of books out about meal planning on a budget. You can go on food network and find some good recipes too....try Sandra Lees Almost Homemade recipes. Plus don't feel bad about taking some shortcuts...we all do it. here's another idea.....maybe Ben can make some meals...hmmmm

  4. Thanks, everyone. I will def keep at it. We are trying to save $$ while Ben's in school so we need to! As for Ben cooking...I will work on that one ;)
